Parameterized lookup field not displaying values based on constraint field (MUX)
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Parameterized lookup field not displaying values based on constraint field (MUX)


Article ID: 140234


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The parameterized lookups should return the appropriate list of values based on the constraint lookup value selected.  However, in the Modern User Experience (UX / MUX),  the parameterized lookup WITH NULL Clause is showing ALL values.  The parameterized lookup WITHOUT NULL Clause shows NO values. 


  1. Log in as an administrator and go to Classic Studio ->Administration->Lookups
  2. Create a copy of the Lookup Query from 'Idea and Project Category Parameterized Lookup'
    • Modify it by removing the NULL Clause
    • Create the new Lookup with a similar name such as 'Idea and Project Param without IS NULL Clause'
  3. Go to Administration ->Objects -> Project Object and create a new attribute:
    • Attribute name = Project Category NO NULL
    • Select the new parameterized lookup
    • Set the API Attribute ID value so it will show up on Modern UX
  4. In the Classic UI, add all 3 fields to the Project List View and the Filter Section:
    • Project Type (constraint field)
    • Project Category (parameterized field with NULL Clause)
    • Project Category NO NULL (parameterized field WITHOUT NULL Clause)
  5. Look at the 'Lookup Mappings' for these fields and understand which parameterized values should appear based on the selected constraint value
  6. Use the Project Type (constraint) field to select a value and then look at both parameterized fields to see if the lookup shows the appropriate list of values. (Classic FILTER section works as expected.)
  7. In the Modern UI, repeat steps 4 - 6

Expected Results: In MODERN UX - The parameterized lookups both should return the appropriate list of values based on the constraint lookup value selected.  

Actual Results: In MODERN UX - The parameterized lookup WITH NULL Clause is showing ALL values.  The parameterized lookup WITHOUT NULL Clause shows NO values. 


Release: All Supported

Component: Studio


This is working as design as analyzed through DE51791

In Classic Filters:

You can only select one value in any of the lookups

In the Modern UX:

This is a Multi-Valued Lookup (MVL), and the second lookup values displayed in the list are not restricted to the value selected in the first lookup. This is as per Design. You see all values and can filter data by selecting the appropriate value in second lookup.

Additional Information

Parameterized lookups in modern UX

Parameterized Lookup

 - Two lookup fields are connected by a passed parameter. Two lookups are defined as two separate attributes in the object and the value from one lookup will determine the available values in the second lookup.

• Parameterized lookups will appear in the New User Experience once their API alias values are populated.

• The lookups will function same as in Classic UI.

• Enabled parameterized lookups can be added to blueprints to be included in the Details panel.

• Changes of lookup value in grid view or flyout are reflected seamlessly in the other.

• You can also add parameterized lookups to board cards.

• You can filter data based on parameterized lookups. When filtering based on dynamic query based lookup (lookup that changes options based on primary lookup value) then filter will display all possible options.