DX NetOps Spectrum is not syncing with NetOps Portal
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DX NetOps Spectrum is not syncing with NetOps Portal


Article ID: 140226


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration CA Spectrum DX NetOps


DX NetOps Spectrum is not syncing with NetOps Performance Management
The Spectrum data source says "busy" and will not sync and the following message was seen in the data source log in the NetOps Portal UI
Spectrum Data Source Status is Busy when all Landscapes are running
After upgrading Spectrum I see the following message in the logs for Spectrum in the Data Sources view in Portal:
"The data source is heavily utilized and cannot respond to the synchronization request within the allotted time."
None of the systems had issues with the upgrade process and seem to be running fine outside of this problem.
Spectrum status in the data source view is just listed as Busy.
All Spectrum Landscapes show in the OneClick client as Up and Available.
They are not shown in a failover state to their Secondary.
The SS's are confirmed as up and running.
The Spectrum Data Source Status being Busy is known as due to a down, unavailable or failed over Spectrum SS Landscape.
That is not the case here so why the busy state?


All supported DX NetOps releases


Spectrum tomcat is heavily utilized or doesn't yet recognize that all Landscapes are up again.


To resolve this some users have rebooted the OneClick web server host that is integrated with Portal as a Data Source.

Other users report a simpler OneClick tomcat web server service restart resolved the issue.

To restart tomcat log into the OneClick system as the user that owns the Spectrum install. In an command prompt on the server move to the $SPECROOT/tomcat/bin directory and run"./stopTomcat.sh" to stop tomcat. Then run "./startTomcat.sh" to start tomcat.

The Spectrum data source should now sync successfully after the restart. Allow time for the sync to start and complete as the tomcat restart triggers a full Spectrum data source sync.