Why does Opera require APF authorization?
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Why does Opera require APF authorization?


Article ID: 140213


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We have a requirement for the auditors that we have documentation explaining why the loadlib requires it to be apf authorized.

Can you provide that info and opera manual that shows that info?


Release : 3.1

Component : Opera


This is taken from the install guide section 2.5.1. 

The manuals can be downloaded from our website link: https://techdocs.broadcom.com/content/broadcom/techdocs/us/en/ca-miscellaneous/legacy_bookshelves_and_pdfs/bookshelves_and_pdfs/bookshelves/ca-opera.html

Please note that these manuals are only available in Bookmanager format.

  1. CA-Opera requires many CA90s services. If you choose to maintain separate CAILIBs for CA-Opera and CA90s, note the following information:
    • Both CAILIBs must be APF authorized libraries.
    • During initialization, CA-Opera uses CAIRIM services for LPA modifications and subsystem table additions. For this reason, CA-Opera must have access to the CA90s CAILIB. The CA90s CAILIB must be accessible to CA-Opera from either the LNKLST concatenation or the STEPLIB concatenation in CA-Opera's startup procedures.