DAG not recognised on Some Exchange servers
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DAG not recognised on Some Exchange servers


Article ID: 140148


Updated On: 04-11-2023


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


exhange_monitor probes are not detecting a DAG on half of the DAG members.


Release :



One possibility of this is if different version of Exchange Server have been installed on the server and cleanup of prior versions has either not been done or is incomplete.

The probe, on initial deployment, checks for the exchange server version and if there are issues within the environment then it is likely to drop through the checks e.g.,


exchange_monitor: (main) server check...is 2007: no

exchange_monitor: (main) server check...is 2010: no

exchange_monitor: (main) server check...is 2013: no

exchange_monitor: (main) server check...is 2016: no


One place to check for issues is in the registry keys. There should be a key/folder relating to the exchange server version e.g.  

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v15


If keys/folders for other versions of Exchange Server exist at the same time e.g.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14


then this can cause issues with detection. 

A cleanup should be done so that only the current Exchange version has a registry key/folder entry.

Once that is done, the existing probe configuration should be saved and probe and folder deleted.

Deploy the probe anew and check the log to determine whether it has correctly identified the Exchange server version.

If this does not help then the following steps may be needed:

RDP To the exchange server.

Open a command prompt "As Administrator" to the location where the exchange_monitor probe is stored, e.g.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\probes\application\exchange_monitor\

Run this command exactly as follows from that folder, specifying the path to Exchange\bin folder:


Exchange_DAG_Monitor.exe 5 120 " " "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\v15\bin"


Note that you should verify that this is the correct path for your Exchange installation before running the command.


This path is also contained within the Raw Configure probe configuration and should be updated there if Exchange is installed to a nonstandard location.