Etautil: how to find out LDAP attribute names in DYN architecture?
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Etautil: how to find out LDAP attribute names in DYN architecture?


Article ID: 140117


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


When etautil utility is used as a client for IM Provisioning Server, it is required to specify LDAP attribute names, not the display names known from IM User Console or IM Provisioning Manager.

IM documentation does not provide display name -> LDAP attribute name mapping.

Object classes should also be specified by their actual LDAP names in etautil.


Identity Manager


For provisioning connectors developed using DYN architecture it's possible to find LDAP names using Connector Xpress.

  1. Install Connector Xpress on a Windows machine if not installed already
  2. Launch Connector Xpress
  3. Add your Provisioning Server if not already added
  4. expand the tree under the Provisioning Server name:
    Provisioning Servers -> your Provisioning Servername -> im -> Endpoint Types
  5. Select your Endpoint Type of interest (For instance 'Unix v2')
  6. Invoke drop-down menu (right click) on that Endpoint Type and choose "Edit Metadata..."
    Edit Metadata window will pup up
  7. Expand metadata tree: Data Model -> Unix v2 -> Classes -> eTDYNAccount -> Properties
  8. Expand each property (i.e. attribute) till you find the display name you're after

Similar approach applies to object classes when their LDAP names are needed:

Note: If there's no "Edit Metadata..." in the drop-down menu the Endpoint is not DYN based