While using NFA you may run into backend timeouts that could cause sync issues between the NFA Console and the NFA Harvester / NetOps Portal.
NOTE: Starting in 21.2.4, these values will not need to be updated after upgrades. Prior to that, these will need to be manually reset post-upgrade.
1. x:\CA\NFA\DBUsers\ReporterAnalyzer.ini
a. Change all 90 second timeout values to 90000
2. x:\CA\NFA\REPORTER\NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.ManagerService\bin\ReporterManagerService.exe.config
a. For binding name="CollectorWsImplPortBinding"change:
i. sendTimeout="00:01:00" to sendTimeout="00:10:00"
ii. maxBufferSize=" 10000000" to maxBufferSize="1000000000"
iii. maxReceivedMessageSize="10000000" to maxReceivedMessageSize="1000000000"
b. For binding name="PollerWsImplPortBinding" change:
i. sendTimeout="00:01:00" to sendTimeout="00:40:00"
ii. maxBufferSize="100000000" to maxBufferSize="1000000000"
iii. maxReceivedMessageSize="100000000" to maxReceivedMessageSize="1000000000"
3. x:\CA\NFA\REPORTER\NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.WebSite\Web.config
a. For binding name="CollectorWsImplPortBinding" change:
i. sendTimeout="00:01:00" to sendTimeout="00:10:00"
b. For binding name="PollerWsImplPortBinding" change:
i. maxBufferSize="1000000" to maxBufferSize="100000000"
ii. maxReceivedMessageSize="1000000" to maxReceivedMessageSize="100000000"
4. x:\CA\NFA\REPORTER\NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.WebService\Web.config
a. For <system.web> change:
i. executionTimeout="900" to executionTimeout="90000"
5. x:\CA\NFA\REPORTER\NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.WebService\bin\ NetQoS.ReporterAnalyzer.WebService.dll.config
a. For <system.web> change:
i. executionTimeout="900" to executionTimeout="90000"
6. Go to Internet Information Services > Click on the Server name under 'Start Page'.
a. Then click on the ASP feature.
b. Services > Session Properties > Time-out
c. Set this value to 05:20:00 and then click 'Apply' on the right hand side.
d. Do an IISRESET from a CMD prompt ran as an administrator.
7. Restart the NetQoS Reporter/Analyzer Manager Service
8. In addition to making change on the NFA Console, you can make a change on the NetOps Portal netqosportal database:
./mysql -unetqos -p<yourPassword> -e "replace into netqosportal.general values('DeviceManager.Timeout','32400000');"
The above query will make a change to the netqosportal.general table on the NetOps Portal to allow up to 9 hours for a data source to complete its sync. By default this row does not exist. If it does exist the value is typically not as high as it should be. Making this change ensures that the NetOps Portal will never cut off NFA or any other NetOps Data Sources from syncing. This query does not require any service restarts.