After upgrading to Endevor 18.1 what is the recommended way to install maintenance
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After upgrading to Endevor 18.1 what is the recommended way to install maintenance


Article ID: 140106


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What is the recommended way to install all the V18.1 published maintenance?


Release: 18.1 

Component: ENDBAS 


CA Endevor 18.1 has been enhanced this version using the CD (Continuous Delivery) model, which provides new features and product fixes to you faster with easier deployment. 

The recommended approach to installing maintenance for CA Endevor 18.1,  if you are not using CA CSM  is to use the CA SMP/E Internet Service Retrieval to acquire product maintenance. This service uses the IBM SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER command and can reduce hours of maintenance time to just minutes.  You can acquire maintenance on demand or can schedule an SMP/E job to run regularly, which eliminates time consuming fix searches and the need to select maintenance manually through the Broadcom Support portal.

The CA SMP/E Internet Service Retrieval method uses the IBM SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER command to acquire CA Endevor 18.1 maintenance over the internet by securely submitting an order for PTFs and HOLDDATA to a remote CA Technologies server.This service can reduce hours of maintenance time to just minutes, making your system programmers more productive and allowing them to focus on higher value tasks. 

CA SMP/E Internet Service Retrieval:

  • Eliminates time-consuming fix searches and the need to select maintenance manually through CA Support Portal
  • Automates delivery of CA maintenance directly to your mainframe
  • Fulfills orders based on the status of your SMP/E environments
  • Enables scheduling of maintenance downloads
  • Facilitates an easier installation of CA Recommended and Preventive service

With the CA SMP/E Internet Service Retrieval, you can acquire maintenance on demand or can schedule an SMP/E job to run regularly. The CA Order server supports the IBM-documented order types, which include: ALL, APARS, CRITICAL, HOLDDATA, PTFS, and RECOMMENDED. If you are an existing CA ChorusTM Software Manager customer, you can also use this new service to download maintenance and dramatically reduce the time needed to download PTFs. To get started, review the "Configure CA SMP/E Internet Service Retrieval" section of the Mainframe Common Maintenance Procedures documentation.

For more information on the CA SMP/e Internets Service Retrieval: