What is the syntax for the SAPWALK2 command when run against devices configured for SNMPv3?
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases
Performance Management Certification Requests require MIB dumps of target devices using the SAPWALK2 tool.
To create the requested MIB dump, please complete the following:
In order to see more options, simply execute the command with no options or arguments. Any valid community string with Read permissions can be used.
Once the command has completed, please forward the resulting <ticket_#>.walk file for use in simulating the device.
Sample usage output for the SAPWALK2 command showing possible values:
[root@hostName]# ./sapwalk2
#sapwalk2: ver 2.12
#Copyright (c) 1994-2010 SIMPLESOFT Inc.
Usage: sapwalk2
-i ip_address
-v snmp_version(v1/v2c/v3)
-s startoid
<-c community for v1/v2c >
<-u username for v3 >
<-l seclevel (nAnP/AnP/AP) for v3 >
[-xt auth type (MD5/SHA) for v3 ]
[-xa auth password for v3 ]
[-xp priv password for v3 ]
[-xn ctxtname for v3 ]
[-xe priv type (DES/3DES/AES128/AES192/AES256)for v3 ]
[-xi ctxtid for v3 (will discover if not specified)]
[-e engineid for v3 (will discover if not specified)]
[-t timeout(msec) ]
[-r retries ]
[-f compare (0/1) ]
[-p snmpport ]
[-d sleep_bet_req(msec) ]
[-m maxlexerrors ]
[-z samples:delay_in_msec:<oidfile> for ratecomputation of counter/gauge variables]
[-o walkoutput filename ]
[-n max num of variables to learn ]
[-xf filename containing oids to be excluded(one per line) ]
[-xr guestimate max rows ]
[-xs source ip ]
[-xy source endpoint (port) ]
[-xv bridge / or vlanstartoid for auto vlan learn]
[-xl save timestamps (0/1) ]
[-xz timestamp threshold (def=10sec)]
[-b getbulk flag (0/1) ]
The SAPWALK2 tool is available for download via the Requirements for Performance Management Certification Request Knowledge Base article.
These are the expected entries at the end of the sapwalk2 output. Do not interrupt while it is running.
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