Not possible to book time on a task even if Open for Time Entry
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Not possible to book time on a task even if Open for Time Entry


Article ID: 140082


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


A task is Open for Time Entry and the person is staffed on the project, but you are unable to add hours against it. This is also observed when using Copy Previous Timesheet, where the resulting timesheet will exclude some of these tasks.

You can see the task in their timesheet in the New User Experience (UX), but the task is gray, so time can't be tracked on it.


Release : All Supported Releases


This can be due to additional configuration requirements not being met.


Check to verify the following is set:

  1. Is the project the task belongs to Active and Open for Time Entry, with Track Mode set to PPM?
  2. Is the resource Open for Time Entry on the team tab of the project?
  3. Are there any parent tasks above this task (one way to verify is by looking at the task in the Gantt chart)?. If so, any tasks that are parent tasks to the task also have to be Open for Time Entry.
  4. Is the assignment status for the resource on the task Not Started or Started? It will need to be in one of these statuses for it to be able to tracked as expected in time tracking.

Additional Information

Timesheet Population - What determines tasks appearing on a timesheet?