CONNT (T - List Telnet Connections) option returns a list of active TELNET connections while CONNTF (TF - List Telnet Connections (Advanced)) produce an empty list even if executed on the same stack name.
CONNCF (CF - List Connections (Advanced)) on the telnet port of the same stack returns the correct connection list (as CONNT).
Release : 12.2
Component : CA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP
The TCPIP stack is not configured to provide TN3270CLIENT data with the SMF record and hence Netmaster cannot determine the type, so it remains as UNKNOWN. For this reason, CONNTF produce an empty list.
CONNT uses a netstat command instead, so it returns the correct connection list.
The IBM Communications Server must be set up to generate the SMF type 119 records. It is outlined on the "Verify that SMF Records Are Being Created and Processed" section of Netmaster documentation