Why do we have this error msg below while we indicated the paremeter "interactive: 1" in the job:
Error msg : " CAWA_E_20020 Logon failed for DOMAIN1\USER1 due to: Unable to locate interactive logon session.Error code: 20013"
Definition of the job :
insert_job: Job1
command: execute.cmd
machine: win2k16
owner: user1@domain1
std_out_file: "%AUTOUSER%\out\%AUTO_JOB_NAME%-%AUTORUN%"
std_err_file: "%AUTOUSER%\out\%AUTO_JOB_NAME%-%AUTORUN%"
alarm_if_fail: 1
alarm_if_terminated: 1
interactive: 1
User must now be logged in via RDP for WA Agent to be able to run interactive jobs.
Set following parameter in the agentparm.txt
Note: Microsoft has fully disabled Interactive Service Detection starting with Windows 10 Build 1803 and Windows Server 2016 and 2019. Starting with these versions, access to Session 0 is no longer possible.