Easytrieve: Latest version certified with z/VSE 6.2
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Easytrieve: Latest version certified with z/VSE 6.2


Article ID: 140043


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator


The latest VSE release of Easytrieve Report Generator is 6.3 0102.
It supports and is certified for z/VSE 6.2.

Please see this matrix:

zVSE Compatibility Matrix

How may release 6.3 0102 be downloaded?


Easytrieve Plus Report Generator - VSE, Release 6.3 0102


The latest supported release of CA Easytrieve VSE 6.3 0102 is certified with z/VSE 6.2.

zVSE Compatibility Matrix

To download it, please go under Support Online, sign in, go under 'My Downloads' and select:   
1. Easytrieve Product
2. Then Easytrieve Report Generator VSE 

The instructions are in the Getting Started Guide for release 6.4, chapter 3.