We're attempting to execute the RMODBB utility to load new job, report and distid definition records into a brand new empty database.
For the JOBDEF control statement (to add the job), RMODBB issues a:
RMODBB12 Report (name) added/modified for job (name) - data record 1
However, on the RPTDEF control statement (to add the report) immediately following the JOBDEF, RMODBB issues a:
RMODBB24 Report (name) not found - data record 1
- Our RMODBB job control statements are as follows:
/JOBDEF JOB=(n,n) DD=(n,nn) RID=n
Release : 14.0
Component : CA Deliver
As per the CA Deliver documentation:
The keyword TEST can be coded as the second sub parameter of the PARM field in the EXEC control statement to indicate that a test run of the utility is to be made (for example, PARM='DELIVER.SYSTEM1,TEST').
A test run processes all the input data; however, no data is added to the database.
As a result of using the TEST sub parameter, even though the job issues the informational message "RMODBB12 Report (name) added/modified for job (name)", The actual (name) job was never really ADDED to the database.
And, In order to add a REPORT (RPTDEF) definition, you must first physically add the JOB (JOBDEF) definition to the database.
After some additional testing it was also found that you have to add the DISTID (DISTDEF) to the database before you can add the DISTID to a report.
- Customer was able to successfully add the new job, report, distid definition records into their database by:
a. Removing the secondary TEST sub parameter from their EXEC statement (example: PARM='deliver.database').
b. Using their same DATA input record.
c. And using the following control statements in this order:
/JOBDEF JOB=(n.n) DD=(n,n) RID=n