Rally: Is there a Dashboard - Graph Overall API Transaction Report for API metrics and performance for pulling large amounts of data
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Rally: Is there a Dashboard - Graph Overall API Transaction Report for API metrics and performance for pulling large amounts of data


Article ID: 139950


Updated On: 10-25-2023


Rally SaaS


We are going to start observing and extracting the data in Rally more and more. We currently are extracting data for leadership executive dashboard, Tableau reporting, and Azure. All 3 are utilizing Rally's API and Lookback API. There are growing concerns of downtime and latency performance. Beside the built-in Integration transaction list found under Extensions and Integration, we would like to know is there a server level metrics dashboard or graph like CPU, Memory, etc.. over different periods of time,  YTD, last 30 days, last week, a day snapshot so that we can identify any spikes? We just want to ensure that we are not causing downtime by pulling large amount of data. 





At this time the only thing we have are the following two links that may be helpful in checking your performance and metrics.

