The Axis2 administrator 'admin' has a password that is set to the default value of 'axis2'. As a result, anyone with access to the Axis2 port can trivially gain full access to the machine via arbitrary remote code execution.
How can I change the Axis2 default password ?
As a workaround, do the following:
a. Stop the "Spectrum Tomcat Service" from Task Manager > Services (Windows) or the script in $SPECROOT/tomcat/bin (Linux/Solaris).
b. Edit the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF/web.xml file, and remove the content of AxisAdminServlet's servlet and servlet mapping.
The content to remove will look like the text below:
c. Regarding the username/password part, we have two options :
i. Remove the username/password part from the axis2.xml file or
ii. Change the username and password parameters in the axis2.xml file to stronger credentials that conform to your organization's password policies.
<parameter name="userName">admin</parameter>
<parameter name="password">axis2</parameter>
d. Start the "Spectrum Tomcat Service".
Please reference "CVE-2010-0219" for more information on this vulnerability.