How do i Update an Endevor Processor
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How do i Update an Endevor Processor


Article ID: 139932


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Please provide the process to change an Endevor  processor. 

For example, there is the need to remove a step in a Generate Processor  and modify it so the processor group picks up new changes.  




Release : ALL

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


An Endevor processor is handled like any other element. It needs to be retrieved, updated, added back into Endevor, and finally moved to production.

  • The first step is to identify the location of the processor source if you do not know it.
  • In the element action output (C1MSGS1), processor information is listed in the messages C1G0246I, C1G0247I, and C1G0248I.
  • Go to the location and retrieve the processor source from the footprint location. You will need to have Endevor administrator authority to act on type 'process'.
  • Edit the processor and make your changes.
  • Now add the processor back to Endevor as any other element.
  • Depending on how Endevor is configured, a site may need to move the processor up the map.
  • If packages are being used, the site should now be able to restart the package.The completed actions will be bypassed, and action will begin with the element that failed.  If the edits to the processor were correct, the package should complete. 
  • If packages are not being used - perform the action to execute the new updated processor. 

Note:  Some sites may have different procedures for updating and testing changes to processors. They may also restrict who can update a processor. 

Quickedit can also be used to make edits to processors.   A processor is handled just like any other element.  There is nothing that needs to be done for Endevor or the Processor Group to recognize the changes.