Report on who last updated RC/Migrator strategies
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Report on who last updated RC/Migrator strategies


Article ID: 139858


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS


How to report on the last users to update each strategy in RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) for auditing purposes.


This 'last update' information for strategies is stored in PTDB table PTI.PTMG1_STRAT_0200. It is stored in the DATA column along with other strategy details.

The following steps can be used to generate an audit report for strategy updates/modifications.

In RC/M Strategy Services panel, set the following criteria:

STRATEGY ===> * CREATOR ===> * TYPE ===> *

Issue the L command to suppress the listing of analysis datasets.

Then issue the QFILE command to write the strategy details to a FB 80 dataset. This provides a report on all strategies and includes the last update details; Userid, date and time.