We are improving the monitoring of VIPA resources. Upon registering the monitoring of
ConVipaTotalBytesfor--a resource of type VIPA sysplex distributor--these
messages were shown:
16.15.23 IPVP1101 No managing region available on LPAR SYSB
16.15.23 IPVP1103 ConVipaTotalBytes unavailable due to missing data from SYSB-TCPIP
We ask what is needed configured for the NM instance that runs on LPAR SYSA to obtain
data having as starting point the instance that runs on LPAR SYSB. The VIPA resource
under discussion is defined on stack of LPAR SYSA and registered as VIPA backup
on stack of LPAR SYSB.
OS : z/OS
Release : 12.2
Component : CA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP
L2 Support suggested that customer apply these NetMaster fixes: SO08260 and SO08483.
Fixes applied successfully.