Rally - WSAPI: Can you delete a user by setting the Deleted flag?
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Rally - WSAPI: Can you delete a user by setting the Deleted flag?


Article ID: 139541


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


This article discusses the question of whether it is possible to delete a user account by setting the Deleted flag


It is possible to delete a user by setting the "deleted" attribute to "true", however doing so will return an error as follows:

Weʼre Sorry! An unexpected error occurred. Logs referencing this problem have been recorded. We recommend that you logout from the CA Agile Central application, and then login again. If this problem persists, contact Support to have error logs reviewed.



Because of this response it is impossible to evaluate the response for success or failure, therefore it is recommended to use the DELETE method instead of setting the attribute in the payload.