CA WA Agent appears as down or offline on the manager side.
Release: Any
Component: CA Workload Automation
Check to make that there is proper network connectivity between agent and manager. The manager and agent listen on different ports and connect to each other to communicate messages.
Defaults: 7507 for manager/schedulers, 7520 for WA Agent. They may be changed during installation.
The following may be used to test the connection from Agent to Manager and vice-versa. Get the IP/host address of the manager and the listening port. This information is also available from agentparm.txt from the following lines
communication.manageraddress_1= <-- Note: The address maybe a hostname or IP
Open Powershell. In the PS prompt enter the following command
Test-NetConnection <IP_address> -Port <port_number>
PS C:\>Test-NetConnection -Port 7507
If connection is successful, the following output will be displayed
ComputerName :
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort : 7520
InterfaceAlias : Ethernet
SourceAddress :
TcpTestSucceeded : True <---Successful
Connect to Linux/UNIX host. As root, enter the following command.
cat < /dev/tcp/host/port
cat < /dev/tcp/ /7520
If the connection takes place then blank line or service name will be seen. Press CTRL-C to break and return to prompt.
If the connection fails, the following message is displayed.
cat < /dev/tcp/ /7090
-bash: connect: Connection refused
If the connection is refused then check firewall or any network appliance to make sure the ports are open.
Note: In Linux/UNIX, the nc can also be used. If nc is installed, then issue the following command:
nc -v host port
nc -v 7520