When attempting to submit a change-status-job request to the AutoSys Web Server, it returns "403 - Forbidden". The user submitting the request is confirmed to be a member of the WorkloadAutomationAEWebService application group in EEM.
Release : 11.3.6
Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)
Look at the waae_webservices.log when the request is submitted for a message that gives the reason for denial. It would look something like this...
2019-11-01 16:19:38,373 [https-jsse-nio-9443-exec-8] WARN com.ca.waae.ws.EventResource - CAUAJM_W_71013 Machine Execute Access Denied!
com.ca.waae.wsquery.WsQueryNotAuthorizedException: CAUAJM_W_71013 Machine Execute Access Denied!
The following is a list of permission checks you can run in EEM to verify that the user submitting the request is authorized to change the status of the job...
In all of these, replace <INS> with your instance name.
Resource Class: as-sendevent
Action: change_status
Resource: <INS>
Resource Class: as-job
Action: execute
Resource: <INS>.<job_name>
Resource Class: as-owner
Action: sendevent_jobexecute
Resource: <job_owner>
Resource Class: as-machine
Action: execute
Resource: <INS>.<job_machine>
If the job has a group attribute...
Resource Class: as-group
Action: execute
Resource: <INS>.<group_name>
If the job has an application attribute...
Resource Class: as-appl
Action: execute
Resource: <INS>.<application_name>
A DENY on any one of these would block the request.