Symdump Batch r 10 assembly of options table CAOETABL fails with error message ASMA017W.
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Symdump Batch r 10 assembly of options table CAOETABL fails with error message ASMA017W.


Article ID: 139499


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SymDump Batch


The client is configuring the Symdump Batch release 10 print repository name using the PRTLIB= parameter. The client added the PRTLIB= parameter to the CAOETABL and is required to assemble and link edit the CAOETABL for the options to take effect on the next restart of the product.

But the assembly step fails with error messages

** ASMA017W Undefined keyword parameter; default to positional, including keyword - CAOET/PRTLIB
** ASMA435I Record 871 in HLQ.CAVHMAC(CAOETGEN) on volume: SBO011




In release 10 the PRTLIB= parameter is not located in the CAOETABL. It's located in the options member CAOUDFRX. In release 11 the PRTLIB= parameter has been moved to the CAOETABL options table.

Since the client is an outsourcer they have been installing release 10 and release 11 in some of their sites. The client attempted to use the r 11 options in release 10.


The client will use the correct options modules for release 10.

R 10 documentation outlines the options tables available. Data set HLQ.CAVHJCL contains Option PDS members CAOUDFRX, CAOETABL, and CAOCAB80. These members contain the JCL to assemble and link the product default options.

CAOUDFRX options table source can be found in



In release 11 the PRTLIB= parameter has been moved to  PDS member CAOETABL located in PDS HLQ.R11.CAVHJCL(CAOETABL).