CA View - Customer Inquiry Regarding View Utilities
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CA View - Customer Inquiry Regarding View Utilities


Article ID: 139457


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Deliver View


A client's customer has requested them to provide the following reports:

 . Number of documents read per Sysout ID - How many times has a particular report been viewed

 . Number documents read per User ID - How many reports were viewed by a particular user

 . Number of documents read per medium - How many reports viewed from tape/disk

What is the best way to obtain that information from CA View?

There could be use of SMF data and the View Metrics (SARMET01) ACCS report, parsing needed data from it. 

Is there an easier way to accomplish what the client needs other than massaging the data?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


For the results that the client was seeking:

. Number of document reads per Report ID
. Number of document reads per User ID
. Number of document reads per medium

The only current View utility that provides that type of information would be the View Metrics.

Outside of what can be culled from a View Metrics ACCS (User Access) report, no current View utility can track how many times a particular report name was requested.
Though there is SARGRW, the most that SARGRW will note is the last date that a report was browsed.