CA View - Want to Move Large Sysouts from Disk to Tape
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CA View - Want to Move Large Sysouts from Disk to Tape


Article ID: 139445


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Is there a method for manually moving sysout data in View from disk to tape?


Release : 12.1

Component : CA View


Per the View SARINIT parameters DAYS=xxxxxx and TIME=hh:mm, an automated View backup runs, which writes a sysout from the disk layer to tape.

At that point, it looks at what retention parameters it has, to see how long it keeps the report on disk, and how long it keeps the report on tape.

If a report shows a Location of PERM, then that means that the report resides on disk and tape.

In a View Sysout Selection list of the reports, if you scroll to the right ([F11]), there are the "D T O I" columns.
For the PERM reports, it should indicate "Y" in both the D and T columns.

If so, then you can delete the version of the report that is on the disk layer.

Be VERY careful in doing this, but you would then use a "DD" line command to delete just the disk version, whereas the tape version stays intact.
Be careful to not use just "D", but that "DD" is used.

The reports still on disk can then be dealt with in this manner:

. If you can wait for the View backup to run, you can repeat the above steps for those reports, using "DD" to delete the disk version, after the backup has ran.

. If you cannot wait for the View backup to run, you can issue MVS command "/F sarstc,IDUMP", which would trigger an interim backup.

. After that backup has run, you could then repeat the above steps, to use "DD" to delete the disk version.