How can I change the IP address of my NFA Servers?
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How can I change the IP address of my NFA Servers?


Article ID: 139433


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


How can I change the IP address of my NFA Servers without reinstalling?


All Versions


1. On NetOps web page go into the Administration->Data Sources->Data Sources, select  the Network Flow Analysis@.. and edit the Hostname or IP address of the Data Source and click save.  Do not attempt to delete and re-add the NFA Data Source.

2. For the Harvesters, go into the NetOps Portal and go to the

Admininstration>Data Sources->Network Flow Analysis@<node>->Harvesters

and Edit the Harvester IP addresses.   **Do not delete and re-add the Harvester as that will delete all data from that Harvester.**

3. Ensure your routers are configured to send Netflow data to the new Harvester IP address.

4. Ensure the routers' Access Control Lists(ACL) are updated to allow SNMP requests on port 161 from the new IP Address of the NFA server. 

5. Run this command from the NFA Harvester: 

                  mysql harvester -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "select * from parameter_descriptions where defaultvalue='harvesterIPaddress';"

    If the returned value is NULL, then go to step 6. If an IP Address gets returned, then run the below (substitute new Harvester IP for 'x.x.x.x'):
                  mysql -P3308 -D harvester -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "update parameter_descriptions set defaultValue='x.x.x.x' where parameter='harvesterIPAddress';"

6. Go to <installdrive>/CA/NFA/DBUsers directory on the Harvester and edit ReporterAnalyzer.ini and make sure the 'ReporterAnalyzer.Host' (not ReporterAnalyzer.dbHost) is set to the new Harvester IP Address.

7. Run this command from the NFA Console CMD prompt: 

                  mysql reporter -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "truncate table harvester_status;"

8. Reboot all servers after the IP address change.

Additional Information

If you are on an older version of the NetOps Portal that does not have access to edit the harvesters, but NFA is on 10.0.3 or higher - try the API to make you IP Address edits.