Why are intervals not being deleted when the auto delete feature is enabled in Detector
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Why are intervals not being deleted when the auto delete feature is enabled in Detector


Article ID: 139369


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


The auto delete feature in Detector for Db2 for z/OS (PDT) is set up to delete 50 percent of the intervals if a data store becomes full, although this feature is enabled,
it appears that it is not working properly. What has been done incorrectly?

Note for additional information regarding the auto delete feature in Detector reference the following section in the product documentation:
Set the Auto Delete Threshold for Collection Intervals


When PDT0251 DSID=1 message is displayed in the Xmanager log, this indicates that the Standard Activity dataset in the Datastore does not have enough space
for the newest collection interval. The auto delete feature cannot free up enough space without exceeding the auto delete threshold. The solution is,
if the Datastore is not already in an Extended Addressability SMS CLASS, it is recommend that one be created under these specifications. 


If the name of the Datastore needs to be retained  when replacing it with a new one, the following needs to be done:


1. If a collection is running, it needs to be stopped and a new but Temporary Datastore needs to be created. 


2. The PDTDSALC Batch job can be used. A sample of it can be found in the <High.Level>.CDBAJCL. Or, the DETECTOR "Create Datastore Display" is another option.

    This Display can be accessed by choosing Option 7 (Create/Initialize Datastore) from the Detector Main Menu


3. In the  <High.Level>.CDBAJCL,  a member named PDTDSCPY can be found.

    this job is used to copy the Old Datastore into the Temporary Datastore


4. Option 2 needs to be selected on the Detector Main Menu (SSID historical interval data).

    The data on the Temporary Datastore needs to be verified to contain the data from the Old Datastore. If so, the Old Datastore can be deleted.


5. The old Datastore can now be Re-created. If possible, it should be allocate in an Extended Addressability (EA) SMS class.

     This will enable the Datastore Dataset to span across multiple volumes if the Datastore Dataset exceeds the 4 Gig VSAM limit.


6. Using the PDTDSCPY job, the Temporary Datastore can be copied into the Datastore that was created in step 5.


7. The data on the New Datastore needs to be verified to contain the data from the Temporary Datastore. If so, the Temporary Datastore can be deleted.


8. The collection needs to be restarted.

Additional Information

Message PDT0251 identifies the Dataset that does not have enough space for the specified collection interval by displaying a DSID value in the message.

The DSID value indicates the data store type:

    • 01—Standard collection data store

    • 02—Dynamic SQL collection data store

    • 03—SQL error collection data store


If the PDT0251 message is issued, it will always be accompanied by  message PDT0252.

Message PDT0252 identifies the collection interval that cannot be saved.

