OPS/MVS - SYSPLEX variable volatility when performing time change
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OPS/MVS - SYSPLEX variable volatility when performing time change


Article ID: 139317


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Hi there,

Our Z/OS team will be performing a time change this weekend and all lpars will be shutdown on our production sysplex at one point.

The question is: what is the ideal process(es) to prevent the sysplex level variables and their values from being destroyed?


Note: our TEC environment sysplex is running OPS 13.5 and our PROD environment is running OPS 13.0.

Thank you.


All releases

Component : OPS/MVS


Time change  Full SYSPLEX outage with Sysplex Variables in use


The best method would be to leave at least one LPAR with OPS/MVS active, while the other LPARs are shut down. Then once the OPS/MVS started task is active on one of those systems, the final system may be taken down. Leaving at least one system active at all times will preserve the Sysplex Variables that reside in the coupling facility. However, if all systems must come down at the same time, then implement the SYSPLEX VARIABLE BACKUP as documented in the Sysplex Variable Backup section of the Installing Guide under the Configuring and Installing Optional Components.    

Additional Information

For more information on the backukp for release 13.0 see link:    https://techdocs.broadcom.com/content/broadcom/techdocs/us/en/ca-mainframe-software/automation/ca-ops-mvs-event-management-and-automation/13-0/installing/configuring-and-installing-optional-components/configuration-tasks-for-optional-base-components/define-the-sysplex-variable-backup-vsam-ksds.html   

For release 13.5 see link:    https://techdocs.broadcom.com/content/broadcom/techdocs/us/en/ca-mainframe-software/automation/ca-ops-mvs-event-management-and-automation/13-5/installing/installing-and-configuring-optional-components/how-you-install-and-configure-optional-base-components/define-the-sysplex-variable-backup-vsam-ksds.html  

For more information on the CAVARSRV Address space for release 13.0 and 13.5, see the Common Services link:   https://techdocs.broadcom.com/content/broadcom/techdocs/us/en/ca-mainframe-software/traditional-management/ca-common-services-for-z-os/15-0/component-reference/address-spaces/cavarsrv-address-space.html