Release : 14.x to 14.4
Component : PAM SERVER COMPONENTS (WEB INTERFACE/JBOSS), GovernanceMinder(Role & Compliance Manager)
Operating System Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019
In the installation logs, the following is recorded.
The Enterprise Management Server and Distribution Server installer fails to start with the following fatal application error.
Fatal Application Error
This Application has Unexpectedly Quit.
Installation of the Java Application has caused an
InvocationTargettException. This application will now exit. (LAX)
To avoid this issue, add a system variable under Environment Variables:
Follow these steps:
From the Start menu, navigate t0
1. Control Panel
2. System and Security
3. System
4. Click Advanced system settings in the left pane.
5. In the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables
6. Under System Variables, click New
7. Add the following system variable:
8. Set the following value for the system variable:
" 7"
For Windows 2019 Use
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS= " Server 2016" make sure and include the quotation marks as they are written in the Parameters value).
9. Click OK
During TibcoActiveMQ bridge installation on Windows 2016, a popup about .NET Framework 3.5 appears. Click the Close button to close the popup to proceed with the installation.