Message XCOMRANQ - A800QERR is occasionally being written in jobs scheduling or inquiring on XCOM transfers; I don't believe it's an issue but as far as I can see the message is undocumented - what does it mean ?
Release : 12.0
Component : CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS
This message was created as a backstop for incidents where an unidentified entry is encountered on the PLEXQ element chain.
This could be as innocuous as encountering a new entry which is in the process of being inserted by another task.
It is an internal diagnostic type message for which the meaning has narrowed over time.
Its original intent was to assist us with diagnosing other errors in PLEXQ, and was going to be retired at some point.
When BETA testing for the PLEXQ feature was taking place , and timing errors attempting to take elements off the internal PLEXQ queue were seen
the message was left in so that we could know when there was a miss in unchaining a PLEXQ request for processing.
SO06211 MULTIPLE ERRORS WHEN MORE THAN 8 REGIONS IN SAME PLEXQ GROUP is for cases where more than 8 servers were participants in any given PLEXQ group.
If processing is being impacted (i.e. PLEXQ requests are failing) a SLIP can be set to capture an SVC dump at the time of the error.
Otherwise, the message can be can be seen as being just a distraction.