How to Add a Custom Seed List into TDM Portal
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How to Add a Custom Seed List into TDM Portal


Article ID: 139171


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


We want to work with our own seed list into data masking from TDM Portal. 

I test using the default portal seed list "First name" but it takes off and message saying "Seed data file 'T:/Aplic/FastDataMasker/seedtables/FULLNAME.2.txt' not found", so what I did was go to create a custom seed list with the name FULLNAME.2.txt.

I would like to know how to show my own seed list on the masking functions into TDM portal when using RANDLOV and HASHLOV functions, but I cannot get the custom seed list file to show up in TDM Portal. 

How do you add a custom seed list to TDM Portal?


Release : 4.8+

Component : CA Test Data Manager


Since TDM Portal uses the FDM masking engine for masking, you have to add the custom seed list file to FDM before it is seen in Portal. 

Below are the steps to add a custom seedlist to the scramble.gtsrc_reference_data table.

Note: There are three existing FULLNAME files that ship as part of the FDM installation:

    • FULLNAME.1.txt = Name Designation
    • FULLNAME.2.txt = First Name
    • FULLNAME.3.txt = Surname

These three files are all part of the FullName Group, and can be used in combination with other seed lists to generate Full Names.


To Add a Custom Seed List to Datamaker

  1. Launch Datamaker

  2. Select the Tools Menu

  3. Select Maintain Seed Data in the drop-down

  4. In the Maintain Seed Data Window, select the File folder icon on the right-hand side of the window.

  5. Browse over to the directory containing the Seed List. In this case C:\Program Files\Grid-Tools\FastDataMasker\seedtables.

  6. By default, Datamaker is expecting the seed list to be in the CSV format. If you need to load a text file, change the File Type from CSV (*.csv) to All Files (*.*). In this demonstration, I will select Name_reference_data.csv.

  7. Click the Open button to open the file and read it into Datamaker.

  8. The New Seed Data Type dialog window opens.

    Note: The first line of the seed list is used as the column header. Therefore, you may need to modify the list before adding it to Datamaker so that the first line displays the proper header information.

  9. Enter a Data Type Name and click the green checkmark button to add the seed list.

  10. The new list is loaded and presented in Datamaker.

  11. A message dialog pops up informing you of the number of rows inserted from the seed list file. Click OK

  12. You will see the new list available in Datamaker


To add the New Seed List File to Fast Data Masker

  1. Place or create the custom seed list in the FastDataMaker home directory\seedtables (C:\Program Files\Grid-Tools\FastDataMasker\seedtables)

  2. Open a Windows File Explorer

  3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Grid-Tools\FastDataMasker directory

  4. Make a backup of the config.xml file

  5. Open the confg.xml file in the text editor of your choice

  6. Scroll down near the bottom of the files and locate the <file_description> section of the file.

    Note: each of the file descriptions listed must have a unique ID.

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the section and add your custom seed file.

    Note: the description that you define here will be the seed list name displayed in TDM Portal, as we will see later.

  8. Save the changes to your file.

With the changes made to the FastDataMasker config.xml file, you will now see the custom seed list file available to both FastDataMasker and TDM Portal, as seen below:

Example in FDM:

Clicking the preview button shows the first 20 lines of the file being read into FDM

Example in TDM Portal:

Note: The Seed List selection uses the description tag provided in the config.xml file.

Depending on our version of TDM Portal, you may not see the new seed list listed in the Masking Configuration until you stop and restart the CA Test Data Manager Portal service. There has been an Enhancement Request submitted to change the behavior of Portal so newly added seed lists are available on the fly, without restarting the Portal service.

If you decide to manually insert your custom seed list to the scramble.gtscr_reference_data table, see

Additional Information

For more information, please review the following links.