Under z/OS 2.3 we have noticed FREEMAIN errors and GETMAIN issues arising with a particular DB2 application and QuickFetch. The DB2 data base manager abends with S878-10 due to a lack of private storage below the line. This is caused by GETMAINs of QuickFetch code without a corresponding FREEMAIN.
Release: 2.6
Component: QF
The dump shows that a SVC 122 being used for a directed load returned the module address as expected but returned the module length as zero. This is unusual behavior for IBM. SYSTRACE shows you have other products that were involved in the loading of the program.
DB2 (or any other application) is issuing a directed LOAD and after zOS 2.3 QuickFetch does not know how to handle this due to operating system changes. We are working with IBM but to date they have not provided the required information. So the //BYPASSQF DD is the only option we are left with at this time as we continue to pursue the IBM for the proprietary assistance.
Documented int the QuickFetch System programmer Guide page 5-10 titled Selective Processing