DUAS: https Rest Web Service Uprocs fail with error "peer not authenticated"
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DUAS: https Rest Web Service Uprocs fail with error "peer not authenticated"


Article ID: 139070


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


A https url cannot be reached via the Manager for Java using a Java Keystore that should have all necessary  Server Certificates stored.

Java version being used is Java 8 update 131.

The error in Job Log is the following:

Request to manager: technical error.

  Java Manager error.

  An internal server error occured. Please check the logs. peer not authenticated


Release : 6.x

Component :Dollar Universe Manager for Java


Issue due to a bug present in the Java 8 version used.

The Extended Server Name (sni extension) was not sent on versions inferior to Java 8 update 141



Solution: upgrade to Java 8 141 or superior ( Technical Support recommendation is to always use latest Java version available).

Additional Information

Aditionally, if the Server Certificates are not imported in the Java cacerts file, please add the following parameter into the unisrv.bat file Java startup lines:


Example of the modified line:

set LAUNCHCMD="%UXJEE_JAVA_EXE%" -Xms%UXJEE_MINJVMMEM%m -Xmx%UXJEE_MAXJVMMEM%m -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=WINDOWS-ROOT -jar "%UXJEE_DIR_EXEC%\manager4java.jar" %COMPANY_NAME% %SERVER_AREA% %NODE_NAME%

If it still does not work, you should also add Java debug traces and redirect the output to a file as follows:

set LAUNCHCMD=java -Xms%UXJEE_MINJVMMEM%m -Xmx%UXJEE_MAXJVMMEM%m -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djavax.net.debug=all -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=WINDOWS-ROOT -jar "%UXJEE_DIR_EXEC%\manager4java.jar" %COMPANY_NAME% %SERVER_AREA% %NODE_NAME% > C:\temp\trace.out 2>&1

This will help troubleshooting as it will generate a file C:\temp\trace.out that will be useful to identify why the authentication does not work correctly.