When running the dr_validate.sh script, after providing the requested root user password, the script fails with an error. It references the permission being denied for the root user.
This can be observed from upgrade efforts on either single node or clustered multi-node Data Repository environments.
Error example:
root@system's password:
Connection closed by xxx.xx.xxx.xx port 22
Failed to set up passwordless SSH from dnvrco-prod-hpnacore04 to root@syste, [FAIL]
This installer will now exit
All supported Performance Management releases
As root edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. Ensure the following line is present (ensure it's not commented out) in the Authentication section of the file.
Save the changes, and restart the sshd service using:
The dr_validate.sh should now work after providing the correct root password when prompted.
To determine the current settings run the following as root, including example output:
[root@hostName ~]# sshd -T | grep -i root
permitrootlogin yes
chrootdirectory none