CA Dispatch VSGMU105 screen - Support CADDSPLx criteria - Enhancement
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CA Dispatch VSGMU105 screen - Support CADDSPLx criteria - Enhancement


Article ID: 138938


Updated On:


Dispatch Output Mgmt


- The CA Dispatch VSGMU105 screen has been enhanced to display the processing criteria that has been configured into the CADZSPLx environment.

- The CADDSPLx related information that will be displayed on the VSGMU105 screen will be for informational purposes only.

- The CADDSPLx criteria can NOT be updated or manipulated from the VSGMU105 screen.


Release : 11.7

Component : CA Dispatch



Enhancement PTF that provides this new functionality has been published as SO10530.

* PTF SO10530 requires a PREREQUISITE PTF of SO10501.

APAR #: SO10530
Product: DISPAT Release: 11.7 Solution #: 225

****************** EFFECTIVE: OCT 23 2019 **************

New functionality added to VSGMU105 Dedicated Sysout Control
Information Screen. The screen will now display the
associated CADDSPLn RPI1-3, Msgclass and Archive task Class
and Dest values.

The following new fields were added to the screen;

CADDSPL ==> Input Task Status:

Displays the CADDSPL task suffix that establishes the link
between the CA Dispatch main task and CADDSPLn task. This
field value was defined on the VSGMU110 Sysgen Control
Information Screen.

CLass - Displays the JES SYSOUT class that the respective
CADDSPLn RPI1-3, MSG and Archive report collection tasks are
monitoring for input data. This field will be blank if the
associated CADDSPLn task is not active.

Dest(ination) - Displays the JES SYSOUT destination that the
respective CADDSPLn RPI1-3, MSG and Archive report collectio
tasks are monitoring for input data. This field will be
blank if the associated CADDSPLn task is not active.

Intercept - Displays the current status of the Open Intercep
subtask for the respective CADDSPLn RPI1-3 and Archive repor
collection tasks. Displays as either UP or Down. The MSG
subtask will always display as N/A because MSGCLASS data
cannot be collected via the Open Intercept.

SAPI - Displays the current status of the SAPI subtask for the
respective CADDSPLn RPI1-3, MSG and Archive report collection
tasks. Displays as either UP or Down.

New functionality.

Users, utilizing the new VSGMU105 Dedicated Sysout Control
Information Screen, will now be able to view the associated
CADDSPLn RPI1-3, Msgclass and Archive task Class and Dest
values on the same screen. This will allow clients to easily
match the Dispatch Sysgen RPI1-3, Msgclass and Archive task
values to the associated CADDSPLn task Class and Dest values.