Exceeding Meraki API Rate Limit (5 calls/sec per org);
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Exceeding Meraki API Rate Limit (5 calls/sec per org);


Article ID: 138933


Updated On:


CA Virtual Network Assurance


We need a list of what API's are being hit within Meraki dashboard as we're exceeding our rate limit as an organization.


Release : 3.7

Component : Virtual Network Assurance For CA Performance Management


Here are the API calls made to the Meraki Controller by VNA:

Inventory Poll


Performance Poll


The following configuration options are available in Meraki plugin template to adjust the frequency of the REST calls:
- INVENTORY_POLL_RATE - To update the polling interval of Inventory poll or to stop it completely
- PERFORMANCE_POLL_RATE - To update the polling interval of Performance poll or to stop it completely
- DELAY_BETWEEN_REST_CALLS_IN_MS - Delay between the REST calls in each of the polls
- MAX_RETRIES - The maximum number of time a REST call is retried if it returns HTTP code 429 (Too many requests) in response
- RETRY_DELAY_IN_MS - How much time it waits before retrying a REST call