NFA Harvester server does not have all of the SNMP profiles that it should in the snmpprofiles table.
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NFA Harvester server does not have all of the SNMP profiles that it should in the snmpprofiles table.


Article ID: 138904


Updated On: 02-02-2024


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


When attempting to SNMP Poll devices from one Harvester all are failing with "Profile Not Found".

After verifying that the SNMP Profile configured in DX Netops Portal or the NFA console is correct, verifying that the Device's ACL list is allowing the device to be polled by the Harvester, and verifying the there is no firewall blocking traffic on port 161, we found that the SNMP profiles table on the Harvester server is missing SNMP profiles.

on 22.x and later 

mysql harvester -uroot -p<databasepassword>

select * from snmpprofiles;

On 9.3.3 and earlier we check this by running:

mysql poller

select * from snmpprofiles;

on 9.3.6 and later run:

mysql harvester -unetqos -pxxxxxx

select * from snmpprofiles;



NFA all versions


Run the commands below on the NFA Console server to force the push of the profiles to the Harvesters:

22. x and later releases

mysql reporter -uroot -p<database_password>

update system_settings set value=unix_timestamp() where parameter='snmpProfilesLastModified';

After a few minutes we checked the PollerSync logs in the \CA\NFA\Reporter\logs directory and look for the following entry :

PollerSync: Harvester@x.x.x.x: Pushing profiles because profiles updated

Verify there is no error message, then check the harvester. snmpprofiles table to see if the expected profiles are now seen.

If everything is correct you should be able to force an SNMP poll from the Netops Portal (DX Netops Portal) Manage Monitoring page under Data Sources->NFA@<nfanode>