You cannot directly connect Jaspersoft Studio to SSL enabled Jaspersoft Server until you import the SSL Certificates into your studio installation directory.
Component : Clarity /Jaspersoft
Jaspersoft Studio uses a specific holder for its security certificate.
Import the certificate into Jaspersoft Studio\features\jre.win32.win32.x86_64.feature_1.8.0.u151\jre\lib\security directory. Then you will be able to make HTTPS calls to the server and connect successfully.
How to download the certificates from the client website.
<Chrome Browser> as example:
keytool -import -alias <alliasname> -keystore "<local jaspersoft installation directory>\features\jre.win32.win32.x86_64.feature_1.8.0.u151\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -file <path of the certificate>\abc.cer
<aliasname>: Any name that you want to give for the certificate
<path of the certificate> : Location where your certificates are saved on your desktop
abc.cer: Name of the certificate
Enter password as "changeit"
Run the above command for all the certificates
Open Studio and connect to Jasper Server
"C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Jaspersoft Studio\features\jre.win32.win32.x86_64.feature_1.8.0.u151\jre\bin\keytool" -import -keystore "C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Jaspersoft Studio\features\jre.win32.win32.x86_64.feature_1.8.0.u151\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -file "C:\certs\ca_on_demand2.cer" -alias ca_on_demand -trustcacerts
"C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Jaspersoft Studio\features\jre.win32.win32.x86_64.feature_1.8.0.u151\jre\bin\keytool" -delete -keystore "C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Jaspersoft Studio\features\jre.win32.win32.x86_64.feature_1.8.0.u151\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -alias ca_on_demand -storepass changeit
Create a backup copy of the default certs file
For example: Copy the file in jre\lib\security\cacerts to cacerts.bak
This file can copied back in place if necessary