Enhanced HiDRO Stand Alone IPL Support introduced in HiDRO r2.7D G0504 SP02
- Support for HiDRO's Stand Alone IPL to use the CPU's HMC Integrated Console (SYSG) as the console device
- Support for passing the console address to use via the LOADPARM option when IPLing HiDRO Stand Alone from tape
- Support for running HiDRO's Stand Alone IPL from CP's PARM disk via IBM's SALIPL (Stand Alone Loader IPL) panel
- Support to preserve the output tape's standard label when generating the HiDRO Stand Alone IPL tape via new SYBGENI
option SLTAPE.
Release : 2.8
Component : CA VM:Backup HiDRO
Starting in r2.7D G0504 SP02, HiDRO Stand Alone IPL now accepts and processes the LOADPARM keyword to permit dynamic specification or override of the console address, including SYSG which instructs HiDRO to IPL to the CPU's HMC Integrated Console.
When running HiDRO Stand Alone IPL, the user can now direct HiDRO to IPL to the CPU's HMC Integrated Console by specifying
the keywords LOADPARM SYSG. This is a requirement for customers running z/890 and z/990 processors that have no physical 3274, 3174,
or 2074 controller connected to the processor to provide 3270 console support.
When LOADPARM SYSG has been specified, HiDRO will IPL directly to the HMC Integrated Console, HiDRO does not wait for a console interrupt.
Additionally, any valid physical 3270 console address can be specified after the LOADPARM keyword to override any console addresses
that may have been pre-genned into the IPL tape when it was created. When LOADPARM address has been specified, HiDRO will IPL
directly to the 3270 at the specified address, HiDRO does not wait for a console interrupt unless the specified address is not
available. Then HiDRO will respond and IPL to a console that supplied an interrupt.
The procedure to IPL HiDRO Stand Alone from tape has not changed with the exception that it is now possible to supply a console address
or SYSG after the LOADPARM keyword. Previously there was no support for the LOADPARM keyword.
This also introduced the ability to run HiDRO Stand Alone IPL from the CP PARM disk (IPL from DISK instead of TAPE).
The LOADPARM keyword is also supported for IPL from disk.
The procedure to set up and IPL HiDRO Stand Alone from disk is new. It is documented in the z/VM CP Planning and Administration,
Chapter 4. Using the Stand-Alone Program Loader.
The procedure to create the HiDRO Stand Alone IPL tape (SYBGENI) has not changed with the exception of a new execution option SLTAPE
which is documented in QI65766.
The procedure to set up HiDRO for Stand Alone IPL from disk is new with this service pack. Place a copy of the HIDRO MODULE
on the active CP PARM disk. For more information about setup and IPL from the CP PARM disk see the z/VM CP Planning and Administration.
See informational solution QI65767.