Running the Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) PGM=IDB2UIFI program to unload data from
IDB2 history files to SMFOUT. The job finished with abend S013 and the following error message for the SMFOUT DD:
The problem was with the DCB in the SMFOUT DD, DCB was not defined in the SMFOUT DD output data set.
Reviewed sample in hlq.SOURCE(IDB2ARC) member and there was a DCB for SMFOUT DD output data set.
// DSN=hlq.&DBSUB..ARCHIVE(+1),
// SPACE=(CYL,(10,10),RLSE),
Although DCB should be defined by first program written to the data set this is not true for RECFM=VBS data sets. For RECFM=VBS data sets
you must code the LRECL and BLKSIZE values for the output data set, so you have to define the SMFOUT DD output data set with a DCB.