Keys are no longer CPU dependent
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Keys are no longer CPU dependent


Article ID: 138831


Updated On:


Licensing-CA VM SUITE


Site requested new keys and informed them that LMP keys are no longer CPU dependent


Release : 1.0

Component : Licensing for LMP Mainframe Products


The Site ID in the key must match whatever is in your site card.   

The CALMP KEYS file that resides on VMANAGER's 1FF disk must have an LRECL 128 with RECFM F.


Keys are no longer CPU-dependent. We now generate site keys for all mainframe contracts. Therefore, changes are required in the CALMP control cards. 

  • A  SITEID control card is required to process CALMP execution keys, which use the SITEID processing option.
  • The SITEID control card must be the first non-commented record. The rest of the records in the KEYS dd may be any mixture of Product Execution keys and optionally one EKG control card. If more than one Product Execution Key for the same product is found and is valid, then the one with the greatest expiration date is used.
  • To install keys, the site ID control card must be on the first line, followed by the LMP keys.  
  • The company name must always be defined exactly how it was generated. It cannot be shortened or modified.
  • The Site ID in the key must match whatever is in your site card.

Also, the CALMP KEYS file resides on VMANAGER's 1FF disk and must have an LRECL 128 with RECFM F.

Additional Information

To add your new keys, logon to user ID VMANAGER and issue


to add them by way of this menu, or, 

you can XEDIT the CALMP KEYS file directly which resides on

the 1FF disk.

After which, you will need to recycle the products to pick up the change.


Additional information can be found in Mainframe VM Product Manager 1.2