Removing or stopping user access to ump usm state field
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Removing or stopping user access to ump usm state field


Article ID: 138804


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


USM views in 9.0.2 UMP is showing a "State" field that is causing many issues for users as they believe they can use it to set a server into maintenance to stop it alerting and so they do not put the server into a proper maintenance window and this creates many false alerts to the business

How can we remove this completely from our USM view or change the drop down so the users cannot select or update it

Here is a screenshot of the field in question:


Release : 9.0.2

Component : UIM - UMP_USM


ump_usm_904_HF4 has fix which prevents the "state" field from being populated in USM views 

Release Notes document for the hotfix: ump_usm_904_HF4

Follow these steps to deploy the hotfix:

1) Deactivate wasp.

2) Take a backup of the existing ump_usm package available in the archive.

3) Delete the contents of the  folder...\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\work

4) Take a backup of the ..\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\webapps\usm folder.

5) Delete the usm folder from the path ...\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\webapps

6) Import the hotfix package into the archive.

7) Deploy the package to the UMP server.

8) Activate wasp.

9) Clear the browser cache.

Please contact Support to get this fix if required .