How to add a devices firmware version as a column in the list view in OneClick
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How to add a devices firmware version as a column in the list view in OneClick


Article ID: 138793


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How to add a device's firmware version field in the list view of the OneClick console.


Release : All Supported Releases

Component : Spectrum Core / OneClick


By default firmware version is not a selectable column in the list view


1) Copy the table-model-config.xml file to the custom folder area

        Copy: $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/common/config/table-model-config.xml

        To:  $SPECROOT/custom/common/config/

Note: If the table-model-config.xml file already exists under the custom folder area, skip the copy and modify the existing file

2) The firmware attribute already has a defined attribute xml file as well as a column file so we only need to add an entry 
       inside the table-model-config.xml for it to be added as an option

Add the following column definition inside the </column-list> close tag

    <column idref="column-firmwareversion-config">


2) Restart the OneClick Console

3) In the 'List' Tab or Locator Search Results right-click the Column header and check the Firmware Version box

Additional Information

If there are any syntax errors you may receive a popup error when launching the console. If so please review the changes to the xml file for any errors.