Endevor Package failed with C1X0501W
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Endevor Package failed with C1X0501W


Article ID: 138760


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Why are the elements in stage 'S' and stage 'P' the same and the package failed

 06:05:24  C1X0511I  COPY COMMAND # 1                              
 06:05:24  C1X0511I    COPY O=OUTDD,I=INDD                        
 06:05:24  C1X0511I    SELECT MEMBER=((xxxxxG00,,R))               

 Dialog Commands: -           AO Action Options        DT Deploy to Test      

     E Edit       # Delete     B Browse     H History   M Master              
     G Generate   O Move       C Changes    S Summary  SI Signin            

    LL Listing         Component Options:  BX CX HX SX LO LI LC              

    Element --   Message    Type    NS Environ  Stage System   Subsys   VVLL  
__ xxxxxx00                COBOL      PRD01      S   SYS1     SUB1      0104  
__ xxxxxX00                COBOL      PRD01      P   SYS1     SUB1      0104 

xxxxx00                 COBOL      PRD01      S   BSP      TKT      0104
Element Options:                                                          
  E Edit Element         B Browse     H History    C Changes    M Master   

 Element: xxxxx00                                              +           
 Environment: PRD01     Stage ID: S                                        
System: SYS1           Subsystem: SUB1         Type: COBOL                

  VVLL Message    User     Date    Time  Statements Inserts Deletes Sync   
- ---- ---------- -------- ------- ----- ---------- ------- ------- ----   
_ 0100            xxxxxxx  21NOV18 11:08       1991      0       0         
_ 0101            xxxxxxx  24JUL19 03:57       2067     79       3         
_ 0102            xxxxxxx  26AUG19 18:20       2071      5       1    H
_ 0103            xxxxxxx  20SEP19 07:36       2079     11       3         
_ 0104            xxxxxxx  26SEP19 04:02       2065     31      45      ß same as stage P   

xxxxx00                 COBOL      PRD01      P   BSP      TKT      0104
Element Options:                                                       
  E Edit Element         B Browse     H History    C Changes    M Master

 Element: xxxxx00                                              +        
 Environment: PRD01     Stage ID: P                                     
System: SYS1            Subsystem: SUB1         Type: COBOL             

  VVLL Message    User     Date    Time  Statements Inserts Deletes Sync
- ---- ---------- -------- ------- ----- ---------- ------- ------- ----
_ 0100            xxxxxxx  21NOV18 11:08       1991      0       0      
_ 0101            xxxxxxx 24JUL19 03:57       2067     79       3    H 
_ 0102            xxxxxxx  26AUG19 18:20       2071      5       1    H 
_ 0103            xxxxxx1  20SEP19 07:36       2079     11       3    H 
_ 0104            xxxxxxx  26SEP19 04:02       2065     31      45   ß same as stage S                


Release : 18.0

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


BSTCOPY steps in the processor terminate with RC 4 because of the missing input member. Since the processor steps specify MAXRC=0, this causes the processor, the action and the package to fail.

Either investigate why the input members are missing (if they are expected to be there) ordon't specify MAXRC=0 in the processor step if it is correct for the members to be missing.