Monitor going to waiting. New behavior with MAT 120.0?
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Monitor going to waiting. New behavior with MAT 120.0?


Article ID: 138747


Updated On:


Mainframe Application Tuner


MAT 12.0 is on and initialized successfully.  Monitors appear to be working but noticing them going into 'waiting' status after
the monitor duration has expired if  multi-step monitoring is set to yes. Is this new or normal behavior? 
There's another annoying thing about navigation within the panels. Realized that this existed in MAT11.0 as well. Tab goes to each
column heading rather than directly to the field where line commands are entered.  Are there plans to change this?


Release : 12.0



Q1. Monitors appear to be working but noticing them going into 'waiting' status after the monitor duration has expired if multi-step monitoring is set to yes. Is this new or normal behavior? 

A1. This is not new behavior, and it is the product working as designed.  According to the definition given by MAT itself, a status of "Waiting indicates that the request has been submitted to MAT but the target is not active. MAT is waiting for an opportunity to begin monitoring the target application."  The monitor duration has expired and MAT switched to waiting and given the chance it will act on the monitor later.

Q2. There's another annoying thing about navigation within the panels. realize that this existed in MAT 11.0 as well. Tab goes to each column heading rather than directly to the field where line commands are entered. Are there plans to change this?

A2. You are correct that this is the current behavior and I don't see anything in the backlog about adding it.