CA Datacom DDUPDATE 1000 ALTER can require 1000 ENABLE
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CA Datacom DDUPDATE 1000 ALTER can require 1000 ENABLE


Article ID: 138739


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Datacom Datacom/DB Datacom/AD


Executing a CA Datacom DDUPDATE program with 1000 ALTER to update the SPACE-MNGMNT attribute will set the tables in that area as disabled in CA Dataquery and we then have to enable the database. Is this expected?


Release : 15.1

Component : CA DATACOM/DB



According to the product developers, it appears that this behavior has been in place for several releases. The recommended approach is to run a 1000 ENABLE after the 1000 ALTER in order to ensure that the area is usable by CA Dataquery and other programs that use this enabled/disabled setting. This is noted in the DDUPDATE documentation for the 1000 ALTER transaction.

The fourth paragraph of the body says (note the sentence in blue):

Processing of the 1000 ALTER affects only the CXX entry for the entity-occurrence that is specified in the header transaction. In contrast, the 1000 CATALOG processes an entire structure or sub-structure. A transaction group containing 1000 ALTER that also updates any attributes (1500 transaction, for example) disables the structure in Datadictionary. Since CA Dataquery observes the enable/disable status of a structure, sites that are using Dataquery should always follow a 1000 ALTER transaction group with a 1000 ENABLE transaction group. This is shown in the examples provided later in this topic.

Additional Information

As always, please contact CA Technologies support for CA Datacom if you have further questions.