Where is the DX AXA SaaS Audit Information stored?
Release : SaaS
The following information describes the audit trail logs for DX AXA SaaS
1. The audit info is stored in a table called aradminaudittrail.
2. This table contains the information of all api calls invoked by the user.
3. This table holds the user related info like sessionid, tenant id, username and target details.
4. Also, this table holds the api details like the api, error code , action, status and infolist.
5. These are the columns in table aradminaudittrail and description.
auditrefid - trigger will generate this id.
sessionid - holds the user session id.
resourcename - Holds the api which was hit by the user.
adminid - It’s the user name of the application through which we log in.
adminrefid - Admin id through which we have logged in.
adminorgname - Holds admin's tenant id.
action - Holds the action done on the api like read, update.
status - Holds the status of the api which was hit by the user like 0 - failed case, 1 - ran successfully without any errors.
reason - Holds the text regarding the api.
targetuserid - Holds the admin user id, N/A based on the api we hit.
targetorgname - Holds the target organization id.(tenantid)
timestamp - Holds the time when the api is hit.
errorcode - Holds the error status. 0 for no error.If there is error holds the error code.
Instanceid - Holds the instance id
transactionid and callerid - Holds the id's generated by the jms.
infolist - Holds the information related to the api which we hit.