Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set" error raised when saving cdm probe configuration changes from Infrastructure Manager
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Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set" error raised when saving cdm probe configuration changes from Infrastructure Manager


Article ID: 138607


Updated On: 01-10-2022


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


All of the cdm probe configuration changes made from Infrastructure Manager are lost and the "Run-time error '91':  Object variable or With block variable not set" error dialogue appears when attempting to save the configuration change.


Release : Any UIM releae

Component : CDM any version


- The <fixed_default> section was missing from the <disk> section of the cdm.cfg file.


You can correct this in one of two ways:

1.  Delete the cdm probe from the affected robots, delete the cdm probe directory and its contents from the robot, then redeploy the cdm probe to the robot.  This should repair the cdm.cfg adding back the <fixed_default> section and allow you to save configuration changes to the cdm probe.

2.  Create a Configuration-Only cdm package in the local archive on your primary hub which will add back the missing <fixed_default> section as follows:

a.  From Infrastructure Manager, drag a cdm probe from a working robot to the local archive on your primary hub

b.  Rename the package and make sure that the Configuration only option is set before selecting OK

c.  Locate the configuration only package your created in the archive, right-click on the package and select the Edit... option

d.  From the Files tab, right-click on the cdm.cfg file and select the Edit file... option

e.  Replace the contents of the cdm.cfx file with the following:

<disk> overwrite

   <fixed_default> overwrite

      active = no

      qos_disk_usage = no

      qos_disk_usage_perc = no

      qos_disk_total_size = no

      percent = yes

      qos_inode_usage = no

      qos_inode_usage_perc = no

      inode_percent = yes

      nfs_space_check = no

      delta_calculate_all = no

      qos_disk_delta = no

      <error> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 10

         message = DiskError


      <warning> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 20

         message = DiskWarning


      <inode_error> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 10

         message = InodeError


      <inode_warning> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 20

         message = InodeWarning


      <missing> overwrite

         active = no

         message = DiskMissing


      <delta_error> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 200

         message = DeltaError


      <delta_warning> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 8

         message = DeltaWarning




f.  Select Ok to save the changes.

g.  Deploy the cdm configuration only package you have created to the robots where the cdm probe is generating the "Run-time error '91':  Object variable or With block variable not set" error when you attempt saving configuration changes.

Once you have "repaired" the cdm.cfg file on your problematic robots, double check to make sure that the <fixed default section still exists in the <disk> section.  You can do this by opening the cdm probe's Raw Configure GUI and expanding the disk folder in the left-hand pane.  The fixed_default folder should be there and populated with the default values for this section: