When Should DevTest Enterprise Dashboard CIC be Started?
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When Should DevTest Enterprise Dashboard CIC be Started?


Article ID: 138605


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


When Should DevTest Enterprise Dashboard CIC be Started?


All Supported Releases of DevTest

Component: Enterprise Dashboard CIC


DevTest uses CIC to support pre-9.1 registries with Enterprise Dashboard 9.1 or later. 


Only start Enterprise Dashboard CIC if your Registries are pre-DevTest 9.1.0.

NOTE: As of DevTest 10.7.2 Enterprise Dashboard CIC is no longer delivered with DevTest.

Additional Information

If you need to start CIC, follow these steps:

Start Enterprise Dashboard

Start CIC by executing LISA_HOME/bin/EnterpriseDashboardCIC.exe.

Modify the lisa.enterprisedashboard.service.url property for every legacy registry to point to the host where CIC is running: lisa.enterprisedashboard.service.url=tcp://<host>:2003/EnterpriseDashboard

Restart the legacy registry.

Start the DevTest Enterprise Dashboard UI if it is not running.

Confirm that the legacy registry appears on the home page display.