CA Workload Automation Agent - Windows Permissions Required To Run Jobs
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CA Workload Automation Agent - Windows Permissions Required To Run Jobs


Article ID: 138583


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Workload Automation Agent


Windows job fails when executed as user by the CA WA Agent.  

CAWA_E_20021 CreateProcess failed due to: "C:\somejob.exe". Error code: 5


Release: 11.3, 11.4, 11.5

Component: CA Workload Automation Agent for Windows


The Windows user that is defined in the job does not have adequate permissions.


Log on to the computer with administrative privileges.

Open the ‘Administrative Tools’ and open the ‘Local Security Policy’

Expand ‘Local Policy’ and click on ‘User Rights Assignment’

Grant the following permission to the user that will execute the job.  

  • Act As A Part Of The Operating System
  • Access This Computer From The Network
  • Logon As A Service
  • Increases Quota or Adjust memory quotas for a process 
  • Logon As A Batch Job
  • Log On Locally
  • Replace A Process Level Token

Note:  You may need to restart the Windows machine for changes to take effect.

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