How to warp the date that COBOL obtains from LE when an ACCEPT DATE is executed
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How to warp the date that COBOL obtains from LE when an ACCEPT DATE is executed


Article ID: 138573


Updated On:


Date Simulator


The user says that it works for everything except the 'ACCEPT FROM' date. Using Cobol/LE


Release:  2.0

Component: Date Simulator


To warp the date that COBOL obtains from LE when an ACCEPT DATE is executed, you have to run STCKFNDX against the SCEERUN library to find the STCK/E instruction(s) in CEEPLPKA, CSECT CEEYGMT, then you must run WARPPARM to warp those instructions.

Instructions of how to do this follow:

1. Run STCKFNDX on your SCEERUN library.


//STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.datesim.loadlib

//SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.sceerun



When you look at the output, first find CEEPLPKA, then find CEEYGMT. You should see something like this, your offsets may be different but you will probably have 3 of them.

Possible STCKE in module CEEPLPKA, offset 001F9B14,

         section CEEYGMT, offset 0000009C

Possible STCKE in module CEEPLPKA, offset 001F9CF0,

         section CEEYGMT, offset 00000278

Possible STCKF in module CEEPLPKA, offset 001F9CF4,

         section CEEYGMT, offset 0000027C

2. Use the offsets you see in the STCKFNDX output to set the warp parms for the job you want to warp. An example of the warp parms follow, these are in addition to your DB2 warp parms or any other warp parms you have already specified. Replace the blue, italicized values with your values.

SET JOB jobname START DATE mm/dd/yyyy TIME hh:mm:ss -


3. Run the job you want to warp making sure that the SCEERUN library that corresponds to the offsets in the warp parms is in the JOBLIB or the STEPLIB of the step you want to warp.

If the step is not warped as expected, please send the following to Broadcom technical support

1. All related STCKFNDX output.

2. All related WARPPARM JCL and output.

3. The output from the job you are trying to warp.